I am finally in Nashville. I have been unloading boxes for the last few days. I have almost called Goodwill several times to just come and get it and have there way with it all. Some of it has been fun though. Like pulling all of my things to put around the house out of the box and unwrapping them. It's been almost six months since I've seen any of it so it all felt like new again. I love my little antiques. I just have random stuff that I love..."weird and unusual stuff"...those are the exact words of one of the movers that helped me unload my truck when I got to Nashville. I didn't know if I should be offended or flattered! :-) There are tons of antique stores around here and fun little boutiques with cool stuff. I can't wait to go look around...without my wallet! I will go back when I'm not so excited and prone to spend excessively! Ha.
The view from my balcony is so beautiful! I live off of Old Hickory...there are lots and lots of hills and I am on the top floor so I can see for miles. I took this picture with my phone...it doesn't really do it justice but there it is.

I will post more pics when I finish decorating and get everything in it's place. But for now I just thought I'd let you know that I finally made it!
awesome view!
hi! congrats on the new place - jon LOVES to update me on your status :) we'll have to have you over some time - we live close to OHB!
all the best as you nest...
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