From March 21st to April 7th we held strong to our faith. We knew that God could, at any moment, completely heal Garrison of all his infection. We had the promise and the hope of Psalm 34:19 to hold strong to. Garrison's urine output had been so little that he tripled in size. He looked like a different baby. He was on heavy sedation and given morphine for the pain. There were life saving measures that needed to be taken but the doctor could do none of them in his present state. At one point he started peeing again and we prayed and prayed for more. We cried out to Lord for his healing. My daddy literally screamed at the top of his lungs for it. He would go out into the parents live in the country...and cry out to the Lord on Garrison's behalf. Thinking of that makes me proud but also brings tears to my eyes. We WANTED him!!! We didn't want to live our lives without Garrison. We had a strong bond with him. We knew if we felt the way we did that Breanne must have felt it a thousand times stronger. We also knew how much more God loved him...for He had written his story and knew it play by play...moment by moment.
Garrison did not improve. He didn't get worse but he didn't get any better. It was the 6th of April when the doctor told mom and Breanne that there was nothing more that he could do for Garrison...that it was up to him now. We knew who it was up to...the Healer himself. And we trusted him. We held tight to our faith and would not waiver.
His little body was full of fluid. I can not even bring myself to share with you the effects his illness had on him...the ones we could see anyway. I can't even let myself think of the pain he was in...although heavily medicated, I know he felt horrible. The doctor told them he would not make it through the night. I was in Dallas...we were recording an album. It was a Saturday night...I was at an Easter service with my roommate, Kim, and missed my dad's call. As soon as the service was over I checked my voicemail. It was bad news...I had to get to Breanne. My roommate arranged my flight. I would leave in two hours. I rushed home and threw my stuff into a suitcase...not knowing what to expect, I packed a black dress. I hoped I wouldn't need it. Even as I put it into the suitcase I begged for Garrison to live.
I arrived in Little Rock at around 10pm. My dad picked me up and took me straight to the hospital. When we got to the waiting and Breanne were in with Garrison. Dad said we could both go scared me because for all the seven weeks we were there only two at a time could go in to be with him. I asked..."we can all be in there?" Dad had a look on his face that I will never forget...he said "they are letting us all be in there for as long as we want." It crushed me...I knew why. When I went in, I saw Breanne holding Garrison's hand and singing to him...she looked so tired and so broken. They asked her if she would like to hold him but told her that if she did, they would not be able to hook him back up to the machines. She wanted him to have the best chance possible and told them no. I put my hands on his little fingers left impressions in his skin...I didn't know if I was hurting him but couldn't stand the thought of him not feeling our touch. We all wanted so badly to comfort him. My sister could no longer find the strength to sing to him so I began. The only song in my head was the one we had recorded the day before in the studio. It's on Kirk's last album...Fight Of My Life. I sang to him as I lightly touched his chest. Breanne held his hand. At times you could tell he was crying but the tubes prevented any sound from coming out. He was dying. It was obvious but we continued to pray. At around 1am all his vitals started plummeting. I moved aside...could only see the back of the doctor's head...but I heard his words and I saw my sisters face. "He's not with us anymore." Breanne went straight for him. The nurses had to stop her and told her gently that they must remove his tubes before she could hold him. It would be the first time she held her little boy. It broke my heart into a million pieces. She had longed for this day to hold him and kiss him. It was not supposed to be like this! My heart began to harden. I was mad...mad at God. What of the promises he had given us? Why had he not healed him? I was confused. I screamed so loud that my mom had to push my head into her shoulder to muffle the cries. It was too much to bear...I felt my heart breaking as if it literally had been torn from my chest...not as much for Garrison as for Breanne.
We left Little Rock the next day. I had tried to leave the night before and go home to my parents house and take down all of Garrison's things so my sister would not have to walk into what was supposed to be there. My dad's truck just shut off as I was driving away and I had to stay. Some friends of mine went in my place. Each of them had lost a baby to miscarriage before and knew how Breanne would feel. Although it was painful for them...they made the sacrifice. It speaks volumes about their character. When we drove away from the trailer a sound came from Breanne that I don't ever want to hear again as long as I live. All those weeks and she left with only the belongings she had brought with her. Her milk still swelling inside her...a constant reminder of what was lost. To be honest, it seemed cruel. My heart hardened even more. The ride home was rough. The first stop we had to make in Texarkana (a little over two hours away) was the funeral home. Another church member and dear friend of the family had come the night before and taken Garrison's body from Children's hospital and brought him home. Breanne had to pick out his casket. Nothing will ever prepare you for that. Seeing those tiny little coffins was enough to send us all back into tears. She picked a white cloth one.
The funeral was beautiful...a celebration of his life. He was buried in a little cemetery down the street from my parents house. They bought plots at the same time so when the Lord takes them home they will lay beside our beloved little Garrison.
It has been a year and 4 months since he died. The pain has let up a little. Garrison has a little brother, Gage, that knows nothing of his brave big brother yet. But we will tell him all about him when the time comes.
In Garrison's short life, he had no voice but spoke volumes about Christ. Many people came back to the Lord...many prayed non-stop for him that had not prayed in a very long time...he changed people's lives. He brought our church together at a much needed time. These are only the obvious things that Christ did through his life. We will never know the full extent of what the Lord did through him.
I mentioned my heart hardening toward God. It only took one night to melt it again. Breanne had come to stay with me shortly after the funeral. We had been talking about getting tattoos and were looking up some scripture and it's meaning online. We looked up Psalm 34:19. The scripture that we had claimed for Garrison. I was not prepared for what we found. It is written in Hebrew on the inside of my left forearm.
The website is called "Hebrew for Christians" and this is what it said.
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord will deliver him out of them all. Psalm 34:19"
in Hebrew...
'rabbot ra'ot tzaddik, u'mikkullam yatzilenu Adonai'

'will deliver him' in Hebrew is 'yatzilenu' which comes from the word 'natzal', a verb that means to ' physically snatch away'...
Lord, forgive my unbelief.
The promise was true. He will never fail us. He is sovereign. He is faithful. He will never lie.
and a few pictures to put faces to the names in this story. The one above is my tattoo..."The Lord will deliver him." in hebrew.
My sister...these were taken a few weeks after Garrison died...when she was in Dallas with me.
And Garrison's little brother Gage...taken just a few days ago.
The bottom picture of Breanne shows the tattoo she got...the inside of her wrist..."Stinker" what she called Garrison.
Wow!! Incredible. What a testimony! So very awesome, that scripture and it's specific promise and meaning to your family. Again, incredible. Thank you for sharing.
And, so you have that as a tattoo? Awesome...can you show us? Did Breanne get one? Just curious.
Again, thanks for sharing little Garrison's story. Seriously amazing. Love you and your family.
Thanks for typing all this out, I cried again reading it.
Thanks for sharing this, it must be so hard. I don't really know what more to say, this has really touched me, but I pray that God will continue healing your hearts.
Sending you SO much love to you and your family xXx
although familiar with me.....still is like hearing it for the first time.
thanks for sharing. im glad you have found healing. i would love to hear more on that part. what an encouragement :)
wish we were closer :( i want to come visit nashville. ive never been.
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