I am currently in the DFW airport. I have been in Africa since December 4th...left the US on the 3rd. First we were in Lagos, Nigeria...then Calibar, Nigeria. Our first show in Lagos was cancelled because of torrential rains. I know it sounds dramatic and it was! The tents we were supposed to wait in literally flooded and the sound system stopped working because of the water. It was really bad. Luckily we didn't ever have to leave the hotel and get out in all that water but some of the artists did and they came back telling us how horrible it was. Plus, I would've ruined my new awesome shoes and that would've hurt me bad...even if it was for ministry. Don't mess with my shoes! :-) I am Alice Ruth Faulk Guilbert's granddaughter!
BUT... they also came back telling us about the 300,000+ people who stood out in that rain to hear about Jesus and the music that all the artists had prepared to share with them. They had to be soaked thru and thru but they stood out there anyway. I really wanted to see that...even if I had to go barefoot. Oh well...sometimes things work out that way.
The concert in Calibar was great! Those precious people were singing their hearts out to Jesus! It was beautiful!!!
I'm so blessed to do what I do. I try not to be negative about anything but right now I just want to be at home!!! I have been on 3 planes...one for an hour...then spent a few hours at a hotel in Lagos...another flight to Frankfurt, Germany...6 hours...had a whole row to myself, which made me so so so happy, then another to DFW...11 hours...no one sitting beside me...slept on and off the whole time...can't believe it! I am coming to the end of a 5 hour layover in Dallas. I paid too much money to get a cab to the mall close by just to get away from the airport for a few hours...otherwise I might have gone insane. :-) SOOOOO ready to get on this plane...my 4th...and see my daddy at the airport so he can take me to his house with the rest of my family...minus Heith, Jess, and Harper. :-( I am so ready to see Gage! My sister just told me he's doing things he wasn't doing when I left a week ago. He'll probably be asleep but I'm going to go in and look at him...it will get me through until the morning. :-)
Almost time to leave Dallas so I'll wrap it up.
Thank you Lord...even though the flying for days really stinks...for allowing me to have this life. I am so grateful that you have chosen me to do this for a living! I hope I make you proud!
you make so many proud, ashley.
glad you're home.
happy birthday!
lunch was so fun!!! Looking forward to Sunday!
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