Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hello world. It's been a while.

I have a few ideas for some longer posts...they'll come soon but I just had to share this.  I was reading one of my journals today.  It's the one I started when I moved to Nashville about 8 months ago.  I was so moved by how God listens and answers prayer that I could barely stand it.  I read my own words...some penned with a light heart and basically pretty generic at times.  But others were, well, just plain desperate.  Desperate for God to show me why he brought me here.  Desperate for Him to invade my space and awaken a heart long protected.  I was so amazed at the way God has worked in just a few short months.  I am not even close to being where I want and need to be but I see the movement.  The movement of a girl...scared out of her idea who she really is...what is next...a girl who didn't know how to love well (myself or others)...a girl who was desperate to find God in it all...a girl who was sick and tired of hiding...who wanted to be exposed...who wanted to connect and find some really genuine and loving women to "do" life with...accountability.  And in the middle of the great big middle of all of that desperation and what sounded a lot like hopelessness...was a great big God who was listening.  He was listening to me.  He understood me and met me where I was...confused, hurting, hiding, isolating, begging to be heard.  He stooped down and listening to me.  I saw so many answered prayers today in my journal.  It was so encouraging.  
If you don't journal...I think you should try it.  I just started really pouring my heart out into mine after neglected it over the years but it has become a way for me to see what I have forgotten.  There were a lot of things that I didn't even remember asking for or sharing with God in those first months here.  But as I read through and saw the words from a rear view mirror perspective (behind me) as opposed to a windshield view (right now)...I saw God's hand so vividly.  And just when I needed it, He showed me that He is working.  That I am moving.  That I am growing and it's so great to see.  The providence of God on's the greatest motivation to just keep going and know that at the end of this journey lies a destiny fulfilled in Him that we are incapable of on our own.  We have skills that he has equipped us with and if we offer them to Him knowing that, by faith, He can take those things and do something that only He can do through us, I guarantee you we will be blown away.  And, in the process of trusting and moving, HE will accomplish it and get ALL the glory.  Because, you see, those things that we forget...even just a few short months later...He DOESN'T forget them.  What a beautiful Savior!!  


Michawn said...

awesome, ashley! can't wait to here details. love you.

Kecia said...

How amazing is our God???