Monday, June 16, 2008

Nashville Day 1

I just wanted to update you on the apartment search.  It's really overwhelming.  I have never lived by myself before and it's kinda scary!  So far I don't know what I'm gonna do...where I will end up living but it turns out that I'm a little bit limited because of availability.  That's okay with me though because it will give me less options and make my life a little easier.

Today was a really good day though.  I had lunch with some friends.  One of my friends has been in Nashville for about 11 years and has done a lot of session work with lots of producers and has a ton of connections.  She was so sweet to want to hook me up with a lot of them.
  Anyway...she was like..."I'm calling everybody I know and telling them you're here."  Everybody meaning the people that make things happen...make music...produce and write some of the greatest songs in Christian music and some of the up and coming ones that are just fun to work with because it's really laid back and chilled.  Which leads me to the next thing that happened.  As we leave a guy walks out behind me that knows my friend Anthony and they're talking while Melinda and I are talking.  Right before we leave the guy tells me that he lost 70 pounds listening to one of Kirk's songs and Anthony had told him that I sang for him.  So...He tells me how much the song means to him and we talk for a minute.  Then I mention that I have to hit the road and start looking for a place to live.  He was like..."are you moving here?"...I say..."Yes, on Monday." and then he was like..."I am always using singers.  Give me your number!"  Wow!  Oh, did I mention that he wrote a little song called "How Great Is Our God"??????  What????  

I had dinner last night with friends.  I had dinner tonight with friends.  I have had a great time!  I'm not a very social person...I have to really push myself to go out and do things.  But I had a lot of fun and I'm so looking forward to whatever it is that God has for me here.


Michawn said...

um, awesome...keep us posted. am LOVING that you have this blog. and also LOVE the pic of the harper dress-up session with her heith daddy. so cute. i always knew he'd make a spectacular husband/daddy. i have to scan and email you a pic of me and him at children's church camp when i was a counselor. so cute.

brown eyed blogg said...

im so glad we found each other on here. i love reading peoples blogs!!!!!!!

Marc and Charity said...

I hope you find your place and SOON! It's exciting to read about your possibilities for work! Keep us updated!

Kimberly said...

As in, Chris Tomlin?! Awesome!

(oh... hi... stalking... should be working...)