A MOUSE...a mouse.
I have been staying with Heith and Jessica since I got home from Brazil. I have been helping out with Harper and doing things to help Jessica with the house before they put it on the market. Tonight was my first night back in the apartment. It's a really cool apartment above the barn at my parents house. My dad, Heith, and Granddaddy built it all by themselves. Well, for the most part it is free of any four legged friends. Not tonight...not my first night back. I had a welcome committee. YUCK! I heard a noise...laid there kind of paralized. You know what I'm talking about, right??? The I don't know if I really heard anything so let me lay here as still as possible and make sure it wasn't my imagination thing. I did that until I got up the courage to turn on the light.
I see him...he's rummaging around in the kitchen. I was freaking out! Why I am scared of this stupid little thing...I don't even know...but I am. I just watch for a few minutes...in disbelief. I see a can of insect repellant that I had no place for when I had unpacked my bags earlier in the night and I grab it. What in the world is that gonna do? I don't know other than give me courage to walk over and try to...i don't know...catch him??? Idiot! :-) He runs away. I'm lying. He walked. I was too scared to do anything so I let him. He went into the bathroom, I think. I went in after him after standing there...paralized again. No sign of him. I kicked and stomped around to let him know that I was a very big presence that he should be really scared of and never come back...shot off a little bug spray just to warn him. I really am an idiot!!! Ha. I tried to sleep with the kitchen light on for a few minutes. NOPE! I packed up my stuff and drove up to the house.
So...first thing tomorrow morning I'm going to do what any brave woman would do. I'm going to have daddy go up there and kick some mouse butt all over that apartment...because there's no way in you know where that I'll be going back up there to sleep until he is gone!
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