Rewind to Wednesday night around 8:30pm...I was leaving NorthPark mall after having no luck whatsoever with gifts for my sisters or a battery for my computer. I went over to Mockingbird Station to see what Urban Outfitters had then got on the road headed to Texarkana. I noticed immediately that my battery light was flashing on and off...almost like when I would hit a bump it would come on and go off...thought it was a short or something. I called daddy and told him...he was worried and wanted me to call him every 30 minutes to check in. I did that all the way to Mt. Vernon. I was about 2 miles from Mt. Pleasant...20 minutes out of Mt. Vernon (last phone call to dad) when my cruise control just shut off and the driving lights inside the car dimmed. This was about 11:30pm. I knew this couldn't be a good I called daddy again. He was ready to come and get me.
I made it to the first Mt. Pleasant exit and pulled up to this gas station that I stop at sometimes on the way home from Dallas...noticed that behind it on the hill is a Comfort Inn. I just decided my car would be better off in a hotel parking lot rather than a gas station so I pulled into the parking lot. Tried to call service! Crap! Soooo...I walk down the hill and try to find a place with service. The parking lot of the gas station has service so I call daddy. He has been trying to call me and is now worried. Brennan (little brother...16)...also worried...I think it's cute that he would worry about his big sister! ;-) Dad runs through the thoughts he's had since I've talked to him last, which might have been like 10 minutes...15 tops. It's amazing how slowly time goes by in times like these...I know you can relate to that. It seemed like an eternity. Anyway...He decided that because gas is so expensive I should stay at the Comfort Inn for the night and get my car fixed in Mt. Pleasant. He would have had to drive to Mt. Pleasant (about an hour and fifteen minutes) back back to Mt. Pleasant the next day to get my car and back home again. Way too much driving resulting in an enormous amount of money on gas! Gas IS almost $4 a gallon...WOW!!! So, needless to say, the hotel route was the cheaper way out. Perfect...I'll just go get a room. Well, the ONLY room left in the Comfort Inn was the King Jacuzzi Suite...this is a MOTEL we're talking about...not a HOTEL. I know everyone knows the difference but just in case, let me break it down for you. Motel = door opens from the outside. Hotel = door opens from the inside. The guy at the front desk...sweet little guy...he tells me that the room is $89.99 but he'll let me have it for $79.99 since it's the only room left. I told him my "situation" and he said "let me see if I can get a better rate." Nope...he came back with the same quote of $79.99. "Okay...I'll take it!" Go to my car...get a few things for overnight...a few clothes and my bathroom stuff. If you know me well you know that was about two bags and a suitcase full of stuff! I can't help it...10 years of packing and I still can't pack light.
Open the door to my sweet suite :-) and this is what I saw!
Hahahahahahaha....I felt a little uncomfortable. It was semi-trashy. I would just put the jacuzzi out in the room like that?!?!?!?!

I took full advantage of the jacuzzi...sat in it and watched John and Kate plus 8...LOVE that show! I don't want 6 at a time but I've prayed for twins for as long as I can remember. I tried to get the free wireless to work in the room...never worked. I just went to sleep. I was so tired...I slept straight through the night...woke up around 8 but went back to bed because I had every intention of getting my $79.99 worth out of that room. I left a little after checkout...11am...and went down to the little mechanic right next to the hotel. See how the Lord works???? Everything I to to to get my car going...right there together! I got them to charge my battery enough to make it home so I could go to our regular mechanic.
I felt like I should be on one of those sitcoms that is filmed like a the office or arrested development. It was so funny. The garage was owned by a hispanic man...very nice...didn't speak the best english but we understood one another. He told me it would take about 20 to 30 minutes to charge the battery so I went to the gas station to get some lunch. When I tell you that everything was fried in that little gas station...I mean EVERYTHING...even the corn on the cob. It felt like I was at the fair. They had corn dogs so I got one. I sat down at a table...ate my corndog.
The hispanic mechanic charged me $10 and told me not to run the radio, air conditioner, or lights and sent me on my way to Texarkana. I made it! I prayed that I would and I did. I also prayed that the night before but God had other plans for me. I love that I got my dad's laid back personality because not one second of the experience bothered me. I really kind of had a good time by myself in Mt. my $79.99 jacuzzi suite with my raggedy broke down car and my useless iphone.
My needed several things done to it. My bill...$631.02...which I was very unhappy about...that is until a friend of mine reminded me that it's much better than a car payment...something I haven't had for a while now.
So...there's my story. I don't know what God was doing but I know that He is always doing something and I'm grateful that He loves me enough to slow me down if it means that He wants to keep me from harm or teach me a lesson or just give me a reason to trust Him more.
1 comment:
Hahaha, love the jacuzzi motel room! I would have panicked, but sounds like you were very calm about it all! Well done. :)
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